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See 威尼斯电玩城游戏下载 for important information on the climate-related content on this website.
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Natural gas is one of the world’s cleanest and safest energy sources used to cook food and heat homes, 医院, 工商业.



Check out this video to learn more about why natural gas – and why what we do here at TC Energy – matters so much.

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Natural gas and the infrastructure that delivers it are deeply interwoven into our economy

  • 为推动威尼斯电玩城手游经济发展的数以百万计的小企业, 比如餐馆或干洗店, natural gas and the infrastructure that delivers it to their doorstep make what they do possible.
  • Our industry touches every other industry and our success is their success.
  • Our industry helps produce materials used to build things and modernize cities. 天然气直接用于供暖, 干燥和熔化制造玻璃的过程, 混凝土, 钢, 砖, 陶瓷, 和瓷砖.
  • Many things we touch throughout the day are powered or produced using natural gas. Natural gas and the liquids derived from it are intertwined in our everyday lives as the building blocks in the chemistry for manufacturing everything from plastics, 药品和织物.

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  • At TC Energy we ensure the safe, reliable and efficient delivery of natural gas, day in and day out.
  • We create warm habitable spaces when it’s cold and cool habitable spaces when it’s hot.
  • We are a major component of the power behind the plug that makes everything turn on from appliances to smart devices in homes, 城市里的交通信号灯和控制世界的计算机.
  • 更不用说, natural gas and its associated infrastructure complement renewables for those times when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining, which is a reminder that our future is one of natural gas and renewables, 不是天然气或可再生能源.
  • Without natural gas and the affordable and reliable power it provides, the enhanced deployment of renewable resources may not have been possible.

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你知道吗?.999 per cent of all pipeline deliveries are made 安全 each year?
